DiaTHEMA future goal

Development of diamond film on refractory metal substrate (Mo, W, WC) thermionic emitters for concentrated solar energy converters
- Synthetic diamond deposition on refractory metals substrates or (PVD grown) thin films
- Analysis of deposition parameters (thickness, deposition rate, doping, etc.)
- Structural, electrical and photoelectrical characterizations of the grown structures
- Thermionic characterization up to 1100 °C
Research and Training
Research and Training
The internship activities for the master's degree thesis that the DiaTHEMA Lab offers are closely linked to our research lines: solar cells, wide bandgap semiconductors, energy storage systems, thermionic emitters.
The activities are designed for 9-12 month internships, to be carried out mainly in the laboratories of the DiaTHEMA Lab in the Rome 1 Research Area of the CNR.
Development of high-temperature solar cells based on diamond films grown on silicon substrates
- Synthetic diamond deposition on silicon wafer
- Analysis of deposition parameters (doping, surface termination)
- Structural, electrical and UV to NIR spectral photoconductivity characterizations of the grown structures
- Thermionic and photo-thermionic characterization in a solar furnace
Development of energy storage system based on molten salts combined with high-temperatures solar cells
- Design of the energy storage system
- Compositional analysis of molten salts for operative parameters optimization (melting temperature, latent heat etc.)
- Characterization in a solar furnace
Wide band-gap semiconductors (SiC, diamond, Ga2O3 and AlN) engineering for solar devices and optoelectronic platforms
- Femtosecond laser treatments (performed at CNR-ISM Potenza)
- Morphological, structural and electric characterization of the treated material
- Optical and UV to NIR spectral photoconductivity characterizations
Development of Si/3C-SiC/diamond heterostructures for UV detection and alpha- and beta-photovoltaic conversion
- Synthetic diamond deposition on Si/3C-SiC structures (provided by CNR-IMEM – timing and logistic of the collaboration to be checked)
- Analysis of deposition parameters (thickness, deposition rate, doping, etc.)
- Structural, electrical and photoelectrical characterizations of the grown structures
- UV and/or alpha particles tests of the grown structures (availability of these characterizations to be checked)
The testimony of those who studied at the DIaTHEMA Lab