DiaTHEMA future goal

Development of diamond film on refractory metal substrate (Mo, W, WC) thermionic emitters for concentrated solar energy converters
- Synthetic diamond deposition on refractory metals substrates or (PVD grown) thin films
- Analysis of deposition parameters (thickness, deposition rate, doping, etc.)
- Structural, electrical and photoelectrical characterizations of the grown structures
- Thermionic characterization up to 1100 °C
Research and Training
Research and Training
The internship activities for the master's degree thesis that the DiaTHEMA Lab offers are closely linked to our research lines: solar cells, wide bandgap semiconductors, energy storage systems, thermionic emitters.
The activities are designed for 9-12 month internships, to be carried out mainly in the laboratories of the DiaTHEMA Lab in the Rome 1 Research Area of the CNR.
Development of high-temperature solar cells based on diamond films grown on silicon substrates
- Synthetic diamond deposition on silicon wafer
- Analysis of deposition parameters (doping, surface termination)
- Structural, electrical and UV to NIR spectral photoconductivity characterizations of the grown structures
- Thermionic and photo-thermionic characterization in a solar furnace
Development of energy storage system based on molten salts combined with high-temperatures solar cells
- Design of the energy storage system
- Compositional analysis of molten salts for operative parameters optimization (melting temperature, latent heat etc.)
- Characterization in a solar furnace
Wide band-gap semiconductors (SiC, diamond, Ga2O3 and AlN) engineering for solar devices and optoelectronic platforms
- Femtosecond laser treatments (performed at CNR-ISM Potenza)
- Morphological, structural and electric characterization of the treated material
- Optical and UV to NIR spectral photoconductivity characterizations
Development of Si/3C-SiC/diamond heterostructures for UV detection and alpha- and beta-photovoltaic conversion
- Synthetic diamond deposition on Si/3C-SiC structures (provided by CNR-IMEM – timing and logistic of the collaboration to be checked)
- Analysis of deposition parameters (thickness, deposition rate, doping, etc.)
- Structural, electrical and photoelectrical characterizations of the grown structures
- UV and/or alpha particles tests of the grown structures (availability of these characterizations to be checked)
The testimony of those who studied at the DIaTHEMA Lab
Working at the DiaTHEMA Lab is very formative because I was able to practically experience the theoretical concepts studied at the University.
The beauty of the laboratory life is that every day there is a new challenge, and the team of the DiaTHEMA Lab do everything to make you participate
During my trainee at the Diathema Lab I had the luck to work with a close-knit research group that welcomed me with open arms, making me feel part of the team from day one.
Thanks to their experience and the technologies at their disposal, it was possible to carry out the thesis activity in a highly stimulating environment, allowing me to increase both theoretical and practical skills.
I also developed the ability to work in a group, a fundamental characteristic for entering in the best way in the world of work.
During my thesis period I had the opportunity to approach the world of research outside the university environment and the good fortune to work in a close-knit and passionate group of work.
With the support of all the members of the team I was able to experiment with different techniques and achieve results that have been merged into publications.