Privacy Policy

Based on the provisions of the Regulations regarding the protection of personal data, the person responsible for personal data treatment on this site provides the following information:

    This information is provided only for the ISM portal DiaTHEMA Lab ( and not for other websites accessed by the user via links.
    the processing of personal data is aimed solely at the performance of the services offered by the site. These personal data are processed in a lawful and correct manner, limited to what is necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing, for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the principles indicated in art. 5 of EU Regulation 2016/679. It should be noted that all the contact forms on the site have no function of storing the data of those who use the modules themselves.
    the data provided may be processed by the person responsible for personal data treatment and by the persons responsible for requested service;
    the data will not be disclosed to third parties;
    the data processing is carried out by employees of the CNR specially appointed or by subjects operating on behalf of the CNR itself, nominated as the  person responsible for personal data treatment by use of computerized procedures, able to protect and guarantee the confidentiality of the data provided, and in the ways and limits necessary to pursue the aforementioned purposes;
    interested parties may avail themselves of the rights referred to in article 7 of the aforementioned EU Regulation and, in particular, the right to obtain confirmation of the processing of their personal data, to request their correction, updating and deletion, if incomplete, incorrect or collected in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons, addressing the requests to the person responsible for personal data treatment.

Cookie information

    Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assist the owner in providing the service based on the purposes described. Some of the purposes of installing cookies may also require the consent of the user.

Technical cookies

    Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assist the owner in providing the service based on the purposes described.
    Technical cookies are used only to provide the services offered by the site; for their installation the prior consent of the users is not required.

Activities strictly necessary for operation

    This Site uses Cookies to save the User's session and to perform other activities that are strictly necessary for the functioning of the same.

How can I check the installation of Cookies?

    In addition to what is indicated in this document, the User can manage the preferences for Cookies directly from within his browser and prevent - for example - that third parties can install them. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete the Cookies installed in the past, including the Cookie in which the consent to the installation of Cookies by this site is eventually saved.

The person responsible for personal data treatment

    "CNR - Istituto di Struttura della Materia (ISM)" con sede legale in via Fosso del Cavaliere, 100 - 00133 Roma (I)
    Responsabile DiaTHEMA Lab: Daniele M. Trucchi - .


We use cookies on our website. Some of them are essential for the operation of the site, while others help us to improve this site and the user experience (tracking cookies). You can decide for yourself whether you want to allow cookies or not. Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site.