The general objective of the project is to contribute to the re-development and decarbonization of the existing real estate portfolio by promoting its "smart readiness" with a data-driven approach capable of improving energy efficiency and overall comfort through the integration of technologies (KET, IoT, data analytics) and advanced methodologies to optimize the management of the building and its systems, the timely detection of anomalies, predictive maintenance and promote greater user awareness.
Acronym: IBIS-ECO
Finanzing body: Regione Basilicata
Starting year: 2022
End year: 2024
Call: PO-FESR BASILICATA 2014-2022 - Progetti Complessi di Ricerca e Sviluppo "CORES"
Diathema Budget : 650 k€
Diathema role: Leading del WP "Sviluppo di dispositivi nanotech per risparmio energetico e comfort"
Partners involved: Università degli Studi della Basilicata, CNR-IMAA, SCAI Lab (capofila), METEO7, Wish Innovation, ECOPRAXY