Friday, 11 August 2023 15:32

DISSIPO - Ambiente di Simulazione Integrato Elettromagnetico Termico e FiSico per l’ottimizzazione delle preStazioni in dIspositivi di POtenza a Semiconduttori

The goal of the project wAcronimo: DISSIPO
Ente finanziatore: 
Inizio: Giugno 2018
Fine: Novembre 2019
Bando call: LazioInnova KET – Tecnologie Abilitanti
Budget Diathema: 11 k€ as the realization of a hybrid HPA (High Power Amplifier) ​​demonstrator in the 11-12 GHz frequency range with an output power greater than 60 W and an efficiency greater than 45%, optimizing technologies in GaN (gallium nitride)

The goal of the project was the realization of a hybrid HPA (High Power Amplifier) ​​demonstrator in the 11-12 GHz frequency range with an output power greater than 60 W and an efficiency greater than 45%, optimizing technologies in GaN ( gallium nitride). GaN / AlGaN radiofrequency devices find application in modern radars (fixed, mobile, avionics) and in terrestrial and satellite, civil and military telecommunications systems. The amplifier, designed by Leonardo S.p.A. in collaboration with CNR-IMM, constitutes the unitary element of a solid-state transmitter for long-range radar, to be used for territorial control.
As regards the activities entrusted to the CNR-ISM Operational Unit, the goal was to develop a technology for the deposition of polycrystalline diamond films with HF-CVD (Hot Filament-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition) technique on substrates of 4-inch silicon and silicon carbide. The diamond film thus made, given its very high thermal conductivity, will perform the function of heat sink on the rear side of the wafer for the amplifier made in GaN / AlGaN technology on SiC.
As regards the activities entrusted to the CNR-ISM Operating Unit, the goal was the development of a technology for the deposition of polycrystalline diamond films with HF-CVD (Hot Filament-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition) technique on silicon substrates and 4-inch silicon carbide. The diamond film thus made, given its very high thermal conductivity, was able to perform the function of heat sink on the rear side of the wafer for the amplifier made in GaN / AlGaN technology on SiC.

Acronym: DISSIPO
Finanzing body: 
Starting year: June 2018
End year: November 2019
Call: LazioInnova KET – Tecnologie Abilitanti
Diathema Budget : 11 k€