The AMADEUS project aimed to develop the next generation of materials and devices for the storage of high latent heat energy operating at ultra-high temperatures (up to 2000 °C), far above today's maximum operating temperatures (1000 °C). The synthesis of phase change materials (PCMs) at ultra-high temperatures is in the range of 2-4 MJ / kg (an order of magnitude greater than that typical of molten salts). In AMADEUS, advanced solutions for thermal insulation and PCM encapsulation have been designed together with innovative solutions for energy conversion capable of operating up to 2000 °C. By combining these new materials and devices, a proof-of-concept was created to demonstrate the thermoionic-thermophotovoltaic conversion stage capable of handling high energy fluxes at very high temperatures, compact and scalable.
Acronym: AMADEUS
Finanzing body: UE – H2020
Starting year: January 2017
End year: December 2019
Call: H2020-FET-OPEN, Grant Agreement 737054
Diathema Budget : 619 k€
Diathema role: Leading del WP “Energy Conversion Module”
Partners involved: Universidad politecnica de Madrid, Centre for Research and technology Hellas CERTH, Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Krakowski Instytut Technologiczny, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Stuttgart, Ionvac Process