Thursday, 21 September 2023 14:40

Welcome to the our website!

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I am delighted to welcome you to the new DiaTHEMA Lab website!
This fresh showcase is the result of extensive work, and we believe that the effort put into launching this website will enable us to create new research collaboration opportunities and attract young talents for training.

Within these pages, you will find everything that characterizes us: descriptions of our laboratories with various setups for material and device synthesis, characterization, and prototyping; information about our skills and team; our most recent scientific publications; the network of collaborations we've established over time; the projects we've developed and those currently underway; the events we've participated in and will be attending; opportunities for theses and internships, along with accounts of experiences from those who have already trained with us.
One section, in particular, is very dear to me: this blog page, which will be dedicated to leaving comments and engaging in discussions from our group members on scientific topics and more. There will be focuses on daily laboratory activities, project endeavors, insights into contemporary research, and even the chance to share feelings through some videos/interviews, allowing you to partake in the DiaTHEMA Lab experience.
I sincerely hope that our efforts are appreciated and that you can begin to connect with us, including through our social media pages. Before concluding, a special thanks to two individuals who have undoubtedly played a significant role in making this website a reality: Giovanni P. Parisi (the "Designed by JoaoParao"), head of the Communication Office at ISM-CNR, and Valerio Serpente, a fellow researcher in our group about to embark on a new journey. And, of course, heartfelt gratitude to our group leader, Daniele M. Trucchi, without whom all of this would not make sense.

See you soon!

Alessandro Bellucci

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