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Saturday, 15 April 2023 12:15

FisMat 2023

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Minicolloquium “Materials & Devices for Solar and Thermal to Electrical Energy Conversion" - Milano, september 4-8 2023

The team leader Daniele M. Trucchi and the researcher Alessandro Bellucci will be organizing a mini-colloquium (MC) titled "Materials & Devices for Solar & Thermal Energy Conversion" at the CDM30-FisMat 2023 conference, which will take place in Milan from September 4th to 8th, 2023. The MC will feature 15 presentations, including 5 internationally renowned invited speakers, among them Prof. Antonio Martì from IES-UPM in Madrid and Prof. Alireza Nojeh from the University of British Columbia in Canada.
Both Daniele and Alessandro will have the opportunity to deliver talks, with Alessandro presenting in the MC and Daniele presenting in the general sessions, discussing the main tipics developed at the DiaTHEMA Lab. Similarly, researcher Matteo Mastellone and our fellow researcher Eleonora Bolli will deliver interesting presentations on femtosecond laser surface nanostructuring and the development of low work function thin-film coatings.
Stay tuned for the conference report and some photos of our contributions!

Last modified on Thursday, 21 September 2023 12:21